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Screening 2

Automated Product Testing Solutions

Prototype Screening

Track that you are on target on delighting your consumers, prioritize formulations to take forward, and identify optimization opportunities.

Design thinking


Concept or pack led - Branded or Unbranded



Sequential Monadic



CLT: 1-6 products; IHUT: 1-3 products;

Project management


From 10 days


  • USA
  • Brazil
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Germany
  • China
  • India
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • South Africa

It is vital you involve consumers early in the process, and continue talking to them throughout, to ensure your product development is heading in the best possible direction.

Use our Prototype Screening tool to identify how well each prototype is performing, crucially how well each is delivering against the brand/concept promise - which is key for long term adoption.

Delivering prioritization of which formulation(s) to progress and optimization to increase your chances of success!

Data viz PH