Bolt ons
Sales Forecasting
Use MMR’s robust and repeatedly validated Early Volume Forecasting methodology to size sales opportunity over the next two years, early on in the NPD process.
# Products
Up to 6
5-10 days
From $3500
Can be used with
Concept-Product Testing
Why Sales Forecasting?
If you're looking to validate your product's impact and accurately project sales over a two-year span, our Sales Forecasting solution is designed for you.
Leveraging our comprehensive Trial & Repeat forecast models, we integrate key consumer research metrics with marketing inputs—such as distribution and awareness—to simulate real-world launch scenarios with precision.
Sales Forecasting seamlessly integrates as a bolt-on to our Concept-Product Testing solution, providing actionable insights to guide your strategy with confidence.

2-years sales forecasting: Sales Volume; Sales Value
Other Solutions

Concept-Product Testing
Make sure your innovation meets consumer expectations, and maximize chances of long-term adoption.

Sensory Portrait
Generate objective diagnostics that unpack the key discriminatory sensory touchpoints of your product. When linked with consumer data, identify opportunities to optimize and assess to protect. Powered by MMR's trained sensory science panels.