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Value engineering 2

Automated Product Testing Solutions

Value Engineering

Validate that making changes to an in-market product won't negatively affect consumer experience or sales performance.

Design thinking


Concept / Pack - Branded



Sequential Monadic



CLT | HUT | IHUT: 2 products - new vs. current

Project management


From 10 days

Why Value Engineering?

Renovating successful in-market products comes with significant risks. A change in product experience can alienate loyal users, triggering anything from social media backlash to sales declines.

Our Value Engineering tool rigorously evaluates the impact of renovations - whether reducing cost of goods, changing ingredient suppliers, or modifying manufacturing processes - on the consumer experience. It identifies whether a change is acceptable or risks driving negative behavior.

If your goal is to make changes undetectable, ask us about our Range Discrimination testing tools.

Value Engineering